Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March 15, 2010 (074/365)

To Timeout and Beyond
It breaks my heart, but until we can get "Smart Discipline" implemented, timeout is this home's form of discipline. It's not quite as effective as it once was, but it's all we have right now. Three is such a challenging age. He has so much energy and is such a happy boy, but has no idea of how to control his emotions. One of my biggest fears is crushing his little spirit. I pray everyday for strength, patience and guidance. I just want to help him figure out how to handle all that energy, encourage his creativity and fuel that amazing little brain of his.

1 comment:

  1. Oh monique, i know what you mean! I'm forever asking for more and more patience! And constantly questioning whether i'm too strict or not strict enough. Am i making her miserable with all these limitations? YOu have always come across as very patient and appropriately firm - something i aspire to xx
