Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 28, 2010 (059/365)

A Little Dirt Never Hurt
Another beautiful day! Another day outside! After church and lunch daddy headed to get a haircut and Home Depot and we headed to the park. It was nice to be out in the sunshine. No telling when we will see it again. Rain is coming back tomorrow. Your imagination is growing in leaps and bounds. Who would have guessed that a trip to the local park could take us to the beach and two restaurants in a boat? We enjoyed meatballs, hot dogs, green beans and strawberries. We had so much fun swinging, sliding and playing chase. The day wouldn't be complete without you being an excavator and me being a bulldozer. I absolutely love pretending with you my son!

February 27, 2010 (058/365)

I Love a Parade!
Katy Rodeo is going on this weekend and we went to the parade this morning. I was explaining to Etienne on the way that it wouldn't be like the Mardi Gras parade and they wouldn't be throwing beads. He was a little upset, but once the candy started flying he was one happy boy. He stood by the side of the road waving his flag. Then he got his first strand of beads, then his second, third...He turned and told me "see mommy, I got some beads". Silly me, what was I thinking. Another time I should have just kept my mouth shut, but I was trying to spare my dear son disappointment. Well, there was no disappointment in this morning! He loved being able to play on the rail road tracks before the parade started, but most of all he loved the tractors and monster trucks. I loved that he was having a great time, but most of all he made me so proud when candy would be thrown to him and he would wave his flag and yell "Thank you!"
What a nice, polite boy you are...when you want to be :)

Friday, February 26, 2010

February 26, 2010 (057/365)

Fun Day at the Fair
Today Louis came home from work and asked "what I wanted to do today". My common reply is "I don't know. What do you want to do?" And he had a reply! Most times we know we'd like to do something, but what, is always what gets us. Today he came right out and said "let's go to the fair". So there it was, a definitive plan. Etienne was napping, but once we were ready we went ahead and woke him up. Daylight was slipping away and it was getting cold. There was no time to waste. One thing I hate about fairs are the guys who run the games. Louis called them barkers. Really, I don't want to try and get a ping pong ball in a fish bowl to win a fish. We don't need another fish. We already have a dozen. We did let Etienne pick some ducks and mommy played the water in the bulls eye game and I'm happy to say we both won. Daddy went down the slide with him and on another car ride and Etienne rode on the motorcycle and firetruck rides all by himself. He had a great time. I couldn't pick a favorite for my 365, so I sat Etienne on my lap and we reviewed the pictures together. After looking at them all I asked him what was his favorite part of the fair and he told me "going down the slide with daddy" ♥ So here it is...Etienne's favorite part of going to the fair today :)

Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 25, 2010 (056/365)

Etienne the Explorer
Always full of questions and you always have something to say. The little gears in your mind keep turning and learning. What's this? Why? What does it do? Why? How did it get here? Why? Can I eat it? Why? Is this trash? Why? I love that you are so inquisitive! Never be afraid to ask questions. One of my school teachers once told me "the only stupid question is the one never asked". So keep on asking. Keep on learning. There is a world of information out there for your little mind to absorb. When you stop learning, you stop living.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

February 24, 2010 (055/365)

Bath or Shower?
Etienne loves his bath, but has plenty of fun in the shower too. It surprises me how warm he likes the water. The first thing he does is gets under the water and gets his hair all wet. Once all wet, he'll grab some cups, fill them up with water and pour them back a forth and measure out just the right amount. Perhaps this is my glimpse of his future as a chemist. What ever your future holds, I'm sure you will give it your all.
Shoot for the moon, little man. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars!

February 23, 2010 (054/365)

Looking for Snow
It has been all over the news for the past two days...possible snow in the forecast. We had rain most of the day, but early evening I was in West Houston and seen plenty of snow falling from the sky. Of course it wasn't sticking. It was too wet. When I got home to Katy, all the buzz from Etienne was about the snow. Louis had mentioned to him the possibility of snow. He would look out the window and ask where the snow was. How do you explain to a 3 year old the definition of possible. The little guy was so disappointed. We have to learn to keep our mouths closed when it come to things like this. Now I'm trying to find a way to tell him that he won't see his Grandma this weekend because daddy has to work :( When will I learn?

February 22, 2010 (053/365)

Pretty in Pink
Our 4 year anniversary was actually last Thursday, but we saved our celebration for Sunday. Sometimes things have to be arranged around a sitter. Etienne and I spent the afternoon saying goodbye to some family who were visiting from out of town. When I came home, these flowers and another card were sitting on the new dining room table (our anniversary gift) that Louis had finished putting together. We had already exchanged cards and got the table and chairs so the card and flowers were a pleasant surprise. He always surprises me :) We were in such a hurry to get out of the house (I managed to get ready in about 25 minutes) that I was unable to photograph the flowers that evening, but snapped this one on Monday. Thank you honey for keeping me on my toes. One thing I have learned in the past 4 years is to expect the unexpected.

February 21, 2010 (052/365)

We are Family
I got all my Florida girls with me.
My Aunt Tonia, cousin Marisa and cousin Shauntae.
I sure did get plenty of hugs and kisses from these ladies. Your visits always pass so quickly. Hopefully we will see you all again soon. Love and miss you all!

Monday, February 22, 2010

February 20, 2010 (051/365)

'Stache Silliness
We went to HEB tonight and after using the Buddy Bucks in the machine I spotted these crazy mustaches in the "gumball machines". It took took some coaxing, but he finally agreed to put it on. It was only on for a few seconds in the store before he was ripping it off his face. Louis and I were laughing so hard. When I put it on, Louis kinda laughed and quickly said "take it off now". lol. I think I creeped him out. Once we got home I convinced (bribed) Etienne to put it on again so I could get some pics. Once in place he got really silly with it. We sure got our 75 cents worth out of that mustache.

February 19, 2010 (050/365)

Boy in the Box
I was able to get away tonight for some much needed adult beverages and Louis and Etienne stayed home to put together the new dining room table and chairs. When I got home at 10pm, this is what I found. Etienne wide awake sitting in a box watching tv. We spend so much money on toys and the boy is completely content with a cardboard box. Leave it up to mommy to spoil a good time and escort Etienne off to bed.

February 18, 2010 (049/365)

Happy Anniversary
Today is the forth anniversary of the day I married the wonderful man I am proud to call my husband. Definitely the happiest four years of my life. The more time we spend together as husband, wife and parents the more I grow to love you. Each day it seems impossible to love you more, but the next day we wake to another glorious day together to live, learn and love.
Happy Anniversary Husband.
Loved you yesterday. Love you still. Always have. Always will!
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

February 17, 2010 (048/365)

Photo Puzzle
A gorgeous sunset sky pieced together in Photoshop.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

February 16, 2010 (047/365)

Fat Tuesday Dinner
So, I'm a member of this website thingy called House Party. You apply to host parties for different companies and if you are chosen as a host, the company sends you all these free things for you to share with your guest. Tonight I hosted one for some of my favorite neighbors. It was yummy Cajun cuisine from Zatarain's. They sent me some free boxes of their mixes, recipes, spices, beads, doubloons, masks, coupons, free music downloads and a nifty Zatarain's apron. All I had to do was cook it up and invite some of our favorite neighbors over. The crowd favorites were the dirty rice (with turkey) and the jambalaya (with sausage). Now I have to go and eat another piece of king cake before I begin my 40 day sweets fast.

Monday, February 15, 2010

February 15, 2010 (046/365)

As Night Falls
I love this time of day and the sad thing is that if I'm not at home cooking or eating dinner, I am in the car driving from one place to another. Tonight I was in the car, Etienne was asleep and I couldn't resist pulling to the side of the road. I snapped a couple of pictures and was able to steal a nice quiet moment all to myself.

February 14, 2010 (045/365)

Valentine's Day
A holiday named after two Christian martyrs named Valentine. Established by Pope Gelasius I in AD 496. A special day of romantic celebration or a hyped holiday created by greeting card companies? Everybody has their own idea of what Valentine's Day is and should be. For me it will always be the anniversary of my father's death. It's been 8 years we have been without him. It was his wishes that his ashes be scattered where he spent many days of his retired years fishing in Galveston Bay. Each Valentine's day, those in our family who can, gather on the shoreline where dad was laid to rest. Balloons are released. Some with messages written on them, some with tears, all with love. We watch the balloons as they float up to heaven and are no longer visible.
Not a day goes by that you are not thought of and missed.
I love you Pop!

February 13, 2010 (044/365)

Throw Me Some Beads!
This is the phrase Etienne was quick to learn today. He was unsure about being on daddy's shoulders, but quickly was enjoying it and realized that those people would wave at him and throw him beads and stuffed animals. He was loving it. Between the floats, while the marching bands were going by, he would get down and boogie. Once he eyed another float he'd excitedly scream "Pick me up! Pick me up!" Daddy got one heck of a work out. What a wonderful way to spend my birthday. Seeing so much happiness in my son and husband brought me so much joy.

Friday, February 12, 2010

February 12, 2010 (043/365)

Thank You Jesus
Each night after two stories and before prayers and prayer bear we read this book. Sometimes Etienne "reads" is alone. Sometimes we take turns reading a page. Sometimes Daddy or I read it. It was a gift from Grandma and it took no time at all for Etienne to memorize it.
Thank you, Jesus, for this new day.
Thank you, Jesus, for our time to pray.
Thank you, Jesus, for the sunny ray.
Thank you, Jesus, for showing us the way.
Thank you, Jesus, for the chance to play.
Thank you, Jesus, for the wonder of today.
When Louis began reading this with Etienne he added some words. We all now read one page "Thank you, Jesus, for showing us the way to do things right". It's funny to watch Etienne follow along with his finger and run out of written words before he finishes "reading" words. One day he will be reading and know that we adapted this page to encourage good behavior. I can only hope that one day he will be making the decisions to do things right on his own without being reminded.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11, 2010 (042/365)

Tootin' Tub
What is it with boys and their fascination with toots and toot sounds? This morning while draining the tub, Etienne pulled the stopper up ever so slightly and the rubber in the bottom of the stopper started vibrating and making a sound. He laughed so hard and said "mommy the tub is tooting!" He was giggling and laughing so hard I had to get my camera. At least in the middle of his hysterics we was saying "scuse me tub. hahahaha" If he's anything like most boys, I'm afraid he will never outgrow this. *sigh*

February 10, 2010 (041/365)

Jumpin' Monkeys
Etienne has this game and when we play there are monkeys flying all over the kitchen table. For a kids game, it's actually pretty fun. We were playing this tonight while I was cooking dinner. The object of the game is to launch monkeys into the tree. When you do, you get a banana. The first one to get all of their monkeys hanging in the tree is the winner. I got up to finish up cooking and Louis got up to get a drink. When we got back to the table I guess it was time for the monkeys to eat too. Etienne had each monkey face down on a banana. "The monkeys are eating their bananas." It's cute how their little minds work.
Love you like bananas.....bunches!

February 09, 2010 (040/365)

Team Work
You, little man, love your puzzles. What you don't love is doing them alone. You have daddy tied right around that little finger of yours. "Please daddy. We can do it as a team." You know just the right thing to say to get your way with him 8^)

Monday, February 8, 2010

February 08, 2010 (039/365)

Always a Silly Boy
My sweet boy is gradually turning into a silly boy. He's his own biggest fan. It's actually entertaining to watch him be silly and crack himself up.
I set up the lights and background today to take some Valentine's portraits to include in Grandma and Nana's cards and this is what I got.
It's getting very difficult to get him to look at me while I'm photographing him. I did manage to get some cute ones, but the goofy, silly ones far out numbered them.
Never stop smiling my boy 8^)

Sunday, February 7, 2010

February 07, 2010 (038/365)

Super Bowl XLIV and The Saints Take The Win!
The day started with church and I admit it, I said an extra prayer for a win. We came home and Louis and I started prepping stuff to make some chicken and sausage jambalaya. Louis said it came out good, but I think it was too spicy and some of the rice had a little crunch. We headed over to the "other" cul-de-sac. The party was in full swing and once dark enough the game was projected on someones garage door. It was really cold though and we only lasted until half time. We came home to finish watching the game with some of our favorite neighbors, Gada and Phil. Well, Louis and Phil watched while Gada and I watched in between chatting. There are my two favorite guys all dressed up in their game attire. I think the shirt I made for Etienne came out better than the jambalaya.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

February 06, 2010 (037/365)

Oh, Sunny Day!
It seems like it has been forever since we've seen the sun. It made a welcomed appearance today. It was funny, while driving through the neighborhood on the way back from lunch, we seen three people sitting out in the sun, obviously trying to work on their tans. I had to laugh. We pulled into the garage and Etienne was ready to play in the sun. First the wiggle rider then on to the scooter. Of course it was a day for basketball and lets not forget the bike. Etienne had so much fun playing, but he did plenty of squinting. Springtime...hurry up and get here! I promise to have plenty of sunglasses for my boy.

February 05, 2010 (036/365)

Are You Ready For Some Football?
We kicked off Super Bowl weekend with a Souper Bowl playdate. The kiddos played while the mamas sampled some yummy soups. I made my first homemade Minestrone soup along with some chicken corn chowder. We also had french onion, baked potato and sausage and bean. All were very yummy. For dessert, yummy almond cupcakes with grass icing and caramel footballs on top. What a great way to spend a morning, great company, great fun, great food and a great cause. We collected some food to donate to the Souper Bowl of Caring Food Drive.

February 04, 2010 (035/365)

PhotoShop Creation
I found myself at the end of the day without a photo for my 365. Right before bed I picked up my camera and took random photos of things around the house. When I looked at he photos the next day, I found just what I expected...a bunch of garbage. Instead of trying to decide on one to post I decided to play with one in PhotoShop. So here it is with a couple of twists, pinches, glowing edges, layers and color adjustments later. At least it's pretty garbage :)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

February 03, 2010 (034/365)

Colossal Cross
About a year ago a church in southeast Houston built this 170 ft cross "as a symbol of hope". I pass this area often and always wanted to stop and photograph it. Not the most beautiful day to stop, but I braved the dreary drizzle and wind, made the u-turn and pulled into the parking lot. I just stood there for a moment and looked at this massive cross. Closer than I have ever been to it, I stood in awe. It's quite difficult to try and relay the size, but to give you some kind of size reference, you can see the power lines towards the bottom of the cross.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February 02, 2010 (033/365)

I'm Just Sitting Here Watching the Trucks, Buses and Cars Go By
What a well behaved boy I had today during my doctors appointment. The office is on the 5th floor and right outside the window is a major freeway, so taking Etienne is never a problem. He turns the chair to the window and he will sit there and give a play by play of all the vehicles passing by. Today there was a huge bonus and a helicopter hovered nearby for about 5 minutes. Today we didn't even have to break into the bag of tricks we brought with us. Although you don't always succeed, thank you for always trying to be a good boy.

Monday, February 1, 2010

February 01, 2010 (032/365)

Machine Gun Kisses
We have been giving you machine gun kisses ever since I can remember. Recently we have been on the receiving end of these kisses. You get that cute little look in your eyes and you ask "you know what you want?" and it's on the lap and rapid fire of kisses on the cheek. Aahhh, the bliss! I don't know if you will ever know the magnitude of joy you bring to daddy and mommy, but it's our mission to inform you every single day!