Sunday, February 28, 2010

February 27, 2010 (058/365)

I Love a Parade!
Katy Rodeo is going on this weekend and we went to the parade this morning. I was explaining to Etienne on the way that it wouldn't be like the Mardi Gras parade and they wouldn't be throwing beads. He was a little upset, but once the candy started flying he was one happy boy. He stood by the side of the road waving his flag. Then he got his first strand of beads, then his second, third...He turned and told me "see mommy, I got some beads". Silly me, what was I thinking. Another time I should have just kept my mouth shut, but I was trying to spare my dear son disappointment. Well, there was no disappointment in this morning! He loved being able to play on the rail road tracks before the parade started, but most of all he loved the tractors and monster trucks. I loved that he was having a great time, but most of all he made me so proud when candy would be thrown to him and he would wave his flag and yell "Thank you!"
What a nice, polite boy you are...when you want to be :)


  1. this is a brilliant photo monique! such vibrant colours, love the perspective and focus! hooray for the parade! :)

  2. this is an awesome picture! i can't quite decide what exactly about it i love so much but i just do! we love this parade as well ... good fun!
