Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 10, 2010 (041/365)

Jumpin' Monkeys
Etienne has this game and when we play there are monkeys flying all over the kitchen table. For a kids game, it's actually pretty fun. We were playing this tonight while I was cooking dinner. The object of the game is to launch monkeys into the tree. When you do, you get a banana. The first one to get all of their monkeys hanging in the tree is the winner. I got up to finish up cooking and Louis got up to get a drink. When we got back to the table I guess it was time for the monkeys to eat too. Etienne had each monkey face down on a banana. "The monkeys are eating their bananas." It's cute how their little minds work.
Love you like bananas.....bunches!


  1. i haven't seen this game before but it looks like a hit! And i love the way you've presented these photos.

  2. tee-hee! love how he is looking out for his monkey friends ...
