Thursday, February 11, 2010

February 11, 2010 (042/365)

Tootin' Tub
What is it with boys and their fascination with toots and toot sounds? This morning while draining the tub, Etienne pulled the stopper up ever so slightly and the rubber in the bottom of the stopper started vibrating and making a sound. He laughed so hard and said "mommy the tub is tooting!" He was giggling and laughing so hard I had to get my camera. At least in the middle of his hysterics we was saying "scuse me tub. hahahaha" If he's anything like most boys, I'm afraid he will never outgrow this. *sigh*


  1. ha ha ha!!! I love this photo and i think he has your smile here.

  2. Thank you! That just might be the first time anybody has said anything about him looking like me. lol

  3. sometimes i read your posts and feel as though we are living in a parallel universe! joey has just discovered he can control his toots .... good times!

    this is an awesome B&W!
