Tuesday, January 5, 2010

January 05, 2010 (005/365)

Back in the Pull-Ups Again
Rockin' to and fro
Back in the Pull-Up again
I go my way
Back in the Pull-Up again
What a stubborn boy we have when it comes to potty training. We were on a roll a couple of months ago and it came to a screeching halt. We decided to not push the issue in fear that it would make matters worse and tonight out of no where..."I think I have to use the potty". We were so happy and couldn't praise him more. He was so proud and smiling from ear to ear. "I'm a big boy now!" He stated excitedly. He refused to put on diaper and insisted on a Pull-Up. He was able to pick a truck out of the potty basket and I even gave him 2 pieces of candy. The above photo is the result of a very proud boy with a slight sugar high at 9:45 tonight.


  1. SO cute! What joy on his face! We are having potty-training issues with Ben too... it isn't easy!

  2. what a proud face!! Love the composition in this pic too. Adele xx

  3. He is the cutest!!! I love your pics of him.

  4. Thank you ladies. I have to tell you potty training is the pits!

  5. LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! I love this! Congratulations Etienne! You can do it!
