Saturday, January 16, 2010

January 16, 2010 (016/365)

Hot Dog, Hot Dog, Hot Diggety Dog
This morning while Daddy slept in, Etienne and I caught many episodes of Micky Mouse Clubhouse. He has never shown a huge interest in it, but he wall all about Mickey Mouse today. He insisted on putting together a Micky Mouse puzzle. He is getting really good at putting together puzzles. He is starting to do them just as Daddy has taught him...all the edge pieces first. It's funny how every time we celebrate prematurely by saying "good job, woo-hoo!" He says "not yet". Then if we don't say it when he completes the puzzle he say "mommy" or "daddy", points to the puzzle and waits for his accolades. My favorite part of the morning was doing the hot dog dance with Etienne at the end of each episode. Hot dog, hot dog, hot diggety dog. Now we got ears, it's time for cheers!

1 comment:

  1. YAY! we're "hot doggers" over here too - but our fav program to dance too is Curious George - SWING! LOL
    Great photo! xx
