Tuesday, January 12, 2010

January 12, 2010 (012/365)

The Shack
It's been well over a year since I've heard of this book. There is so much controversy surrounding it and the only way to really know is to read it myself. Anybody who knows me knows that I really don't read. Not only is it difficult to find time, but more times than not it gives me a headache or makes me sleepy. Most attempts end by putting the book down after one or two tries. Since I have new glasses and finally purchased the book, I decided to start reading it. Well, I opened it up and began reading last night and had to force myself to put it down and go to bed. Today, I was excited after laundry was folded and able to get in another 30 minutes of reading before Etienne woke from his nap. Now I'm waiting for bedtime so I can continue reading. I think I might finish this one.


  1. This is an amazing photo. LOVE how you have blurred all but one paragraph. I am loving your 365 monique - you take such interesting photos and tell really interesting tales too...
    (BTW i read The Shack on holiday last year - i'll be interested to know your thoughts!) x

  2. Thank you for your kind words Adele. I'll let you know when I finish the book.
