Wednesday, January 27, 2010

January 27, 2010 (027/365)

Trip to the Library
I had many errands to run this morning and told Etienne if he was good while we had the oil changed, sat still during his haircut, and didn't touch anything while we paid the late fees for a movie that we could visit the library. "Ok mommy" was his reply as he picked up his library book bag and headed for the door. He was true to his word. He was great. His library visits are funny. He finds one, takes it off the shelf, flips through a couple of pages and if it passes the test he says "this is a good one" and puts it in his bag. Once the bag is full, it's time to go. That's the rule. We can't borrow more than the bag can hold. After the library, I had to make a quick stop to Target. Etienne had a meltdown. I tried to calm him and explain that not getting a new car wouldn't be the end of the world and he wasn't having it. I felt horrible when I took away his library books =*( The scream quickly turned to a cry. We are currently explaining and identifying privileges to prepare him for when we break out the privilege chart. When it was time for his nap he asked if he could read a library book and it just broke my heart to have to explain to him again about losing privileges when he does bad things or doesn't listen. "I'm gonna be a good boy, mommy". Oh, my sweet boy, I know you are. It's going to take time, but you'll eventually know how to handle all those emotions your little body is experiencing.


  1. Oh i LOVE his monkey bag! And he looks so diligent - searching for the perfect read! And the story....uh! It's so hard to impose tough love - but it's already worth it. He's such a great kid! xx

  2. Mean Mommy is the worst! But it is necessary. Stick to your guns mama ....
